Speaker: Laurie Walton

Jar of Life

Speaker: Laurie Walton Lay Leader: Dave Frey  Music: Marsha Sousa

Laurie will discuss a physical analogy of how and what we choose to fill our lives with.


We are 68 and doin’ great!

Speakers: John Davies, Laurie Walton, Dave Frey  Lay Leader: Cam Leonard Music: Marsha Sousa
In this service we will reflect on our impressive past and revisit our bright future as we begin our annual pledge drive.


Carry Each Other Into the New Year

Coordinator and Lay Leader: Laurie Walton

The year-end inspires reflection. What burdens are you ready to release? What stories are you ready to let go of? Let us look to the new year with intention as we choose what we want to carry forward, remembering our … read more.

Gratitude in Our Daily Lives

Coordinators: Laurie Walton & Susan Grace  Music: Marsha Sousa, Susan Grace, and guest

Susan and Laurie will lead an exploration of the power of Gratitude and cultivating an appreciation of life in the present moment. Music by Marsha Sousa, Susan Grace, and a special guest musician will be featured.

Support … read more.